Teacher Appreciation
Staff Appreciation Week is May 5-10! We can’t wait to let our teachers and staff know how much they mean to us. Here’s what we’re planning and how your family can participate:
- Join us Sunday, May 5, at 4 p.m. at Wickliffe to create "THANK YOU" chalk art at the school entrances. This will be a great way to kick off appreciation week as the staff arrives on Monday morning! Some chalk will be provided but feel free to bring your own supplies as well. We also welcome premade decorations/posters that can be hung around the school.
- Sign up to help with lunch recess duty (10:50-11:50 a.m. all week).
- Monday: Bagel breakfast for staff (sponsored by PTO)
- Tuesday: "Flower" Wickliffe with love! Bring in a single flower (or more if you'd like) to your classroom where they will all be gathered in a vase for your teacher. The PTO will also be providing flowers for non-classroom teachers/staff and the common spaces so feel free to bring extra!
- Wednesday: Chair massages for staff (sponsored by PTO)
- Thursday: Potluck lunch for staff (provided by Wickliffe families). Sign up here to contribute something tasty! Please drop items off in the front office on Thursday between 8-10:30 a.m.
It’s going to be a fantastic week! Thank you for your support!
Teacher Lounge Takeover:
Each year the PTO sets aside funds for staff appreciation. So far this year, the staff appreciation committee has provided coffee and bagels on the first day of school and a catered lunch and snacks during conference week. Recently the committee sent out a staff survey to see how they prefer to be supported for the remainder of the year and, based on the responses, we will focus on:
- Stocking the lounge with snacks and drinks (highest response rate for this)
- Monthly Coffee Cart
- Heavy snacks/lunch during early release in January
- Staff Appreciation Week in May
These funds will only go so far and stocking the lounge with snack and drinks each week adds up, so we are going to do a "Teacher Lounge Takeover" by class for the remainder of the year. Look for more information coming soon on when your child's class slated to takeover and how you can help/support.