Counselors' Corner November 23

11/22/2021 4:33 pm

Food for Thought:

The Ten Foundational Principles, along with the 3Cs (Community, Civility, and Compassion), guide the work that we do at Wickliffe. As we continue to “raise social consciousness by encouraging the school community to examine and act upon complex issues within a democratic society,” we acknowledge that this is ongoing work for our children.

Along with the teachers, the counseling team is committed to making Wickliffe welcoming and inclusive for EVERYBODY. Through classroom lessons on topics such as identity, perspective-taking, equity and equality, in addition to groups like IDEA Mentors and TOAD Talks, we continue to address ways to make this a reality.

I would like to bring awareness to some behaviors (microaggressions) that have occurred on our playground. There have been unkind comments and gestures directed at some children with diverse identities. The hurt that these children (and their families) have experienced is deep.

As co-educators, I would like to partner with all of you to eliminate this from our Wickliffe community. Here is an article on microaggressions from NCH’s On Our Sleeves initiative. I hope this will validate what you are already doing or provide some helpful tips for having these very important conversations.

I welcome your thoughts.

Until next week,

The Counseling Team 

Felice Kassoy, Sarah Perry, Sarah Moyer, and Megan Montana
