2023-2024 Community
Sponsorship Opportunities

The Wickliffe Progressive Elementary PTO invites you to support our school by becoming a

Wickliffe Progressive Elementary PTO Sponsor for the 2023-2024 school year.


Become a Sponsor Today!



The following are just some of the advantages of sponsoring Wickliffe PTO:


• It is a tax deductible. Wickliffe PTO is a not for profit organization.

It helps grow your business. This year we have over 500 families in our community

You are supporting educational and enrichment opportunities for children in the local

community including teacher grants, reading, math, and arts programs.


If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or learning more, please contact Ashley Neeley and Jason McKibben. You can also complete our 2023/2024 Community Sponsorship Opportunities form.


Sponsorship Levels and Benefits:


Level 1: $650+


• Three solo, month long promotional posts per school year on the homepage of the PTO website, under Sponsor Highlight.

• Level 1 recognition on the Sponsorship page of PTO website.

• Three solo promotional posts per school year on PTO facebook page.

• Newsletter recognition in the weekly PTO newsletter for one month (that is four newsletters).



Level 2: $400+


• Two solo, month long promotional posts per school year on the homepage of the PTO website, under Sponsor Highlight.

• Level 2 recognition on the Sponsorship page of PTO website.

• Two solo promotional posts per school year on PTO facebook page.

• Newsletter recognition in the weekly PTO newsletter for 1/2 month (that is two newsletters).



Level 3: $200+


• One solo, month promotional post per school year on the homepage of the PTO website, under Sponsor Highlight.

• Level 3 recognition on the Sponsorship page of PTO website.

• One solo promotional post per school year on PTO facebook page

• Newsletter recognition in the weekly PTO newsletter for one newsletter.



Level 4: $100+


• Level 4 recognition on the Sponsorship page of PTO website.

• Inclusion in collective sponsor acknowledgement on PTO Facebook page.



Full Event Sponsorships: $1,000 - $5,000


We have full event sponsorships available that would enable your business to advertise and have a presence at the event. Examples include, Fun Run sponsorship $1,000 or the Wickliffe Social $5,000. Please contact us for more information.



Become a Sponsor Today!