Originally delivered on 1/4/2022 9:06 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to watch for this week (1.04.2022)

What to watch for this week:

Happy New Year! 

I hope everyone had a healthy, happy break and were able to enjoy some time with loved ones. Moving into 2022, I am excited that some of our favorite student programs will finally be able to start again and look forward to new opportunities for grown-ups to volunteer at our school. I’m also looking forward to connecting with our community at the Informal Affair! The Pack is Back and stronger than ever in 2022!

Here are some important dates and opportunities to keep in mind:

  • After School Discovery
  • Walking Club will start in January. More details to come soon!
  • Restaurant night - Jan 12th, Chipotle Kingsdale
  • Informal Affair tickets on sale
  • General PTO Meeting in February
  • Coffee Cart for our teachers will continue through January! Volunteers welcome!
  • Interested in working the lunch line? You are in luck! More details coming soon!

Thank you to all of our volunteers who help make these programs and events happen and thank you for always supporting us, our school, and our community!

News and links to our website:
Upcoming Restaurant Night - Chipotle at Kingsdale

Chipotle Restaurant Night Benefiting Wickliffe PTO –

January 12, 2022, 5-9:00pm
Chipotle at Kingsdale

3090 Kingsdale Ctr, Columbus, OH 43221

Online orders can be placed using the following ordering code: JPFFG8W

Fundraiser online ordering is only valid through pickup during our scheduled date, time, and assigned restaurant. Ordering delivery for fundraisers is not permitted at this time.

Make sure to show the fundraiser flyer (hard copy or on your phone) or tell the cashier at checkout that they are there for a fundraiser before you pay! If you don’t tell the cashier, we will not get credit for the sale.





Little Library and Memorial Bench Eagle Scout Projects

The new Little Library, peace pole and buddy benches (featuring a new Sam’s bench honoring Wickliffe student Sam McCarthy)—projects of Wickliffe alumni and Eagle Scouts Wesley and Justin Murdick.


Informal Affair

The Pack is Back!  
- 2021/2022 Informal Affair (IA) -


Saturday, February 12


4H Center OSU Campus
2201 Fred Taylor Drive
Adults only

 It's time to purchase your tickets for the Informal Affair! Come enjoy an adult-only event and our largest fundraiser of the year. Book your babysitters and join us for a time of celebration for our community, our children, and art.

Heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served, and raffle tickets will be sold at the event that can be used for drinks, games, beverage wagons, and more! Parking is free but it does require a parking pass that you will receive once you purchase your ticket. Masks will be required at the event per OSU's current covid policies.

Pre-ordered tickets are $30 per person and include one raffle ticket.

The price at the door will be $35, and will not include a raffle ticket (you will receive a parking pass).



NEW TO INFORMAL AFFAIR: PARENTS' NIGHT OUT! This year at Informal Affair we are going to have a lottery drawing for two tickets to attend a fun "Parents' Night Out" party. The purpose of these parties is twofold: one, to raise money for Wickliffe; and two, to give parents/caregivers another chance to mix and mingle and build community outside of school. Each winning ticket will receive a plus-one so you and your partner or a friend can attend.

We are looking for two or three more hosts for these parties. Hosts will select the date of the party, the theme, how many attendees and what it includes. So far, we have these fun parties: Beer Pong Tournament, Euchre Tournament, and Murder Mystery Night. You can even pair up with other families to host a Parents' Night Out party together. If you are interested in hosting or would like more information, please contact Lindsay James at lcwiseman@yahoo.com


Coffee Cart Extended to the end of January!


Coffee Cart Extended to the end of January!
We have decided to extend the Coffee Cart for teacher and staff until the end of January. We need volunteers and donations for this Wed. January 5. If you are able to volunteer and/or donate please click on the link below to sign up. Thank you for your continued support! Please e-mail Jen Waddell at jenniferawaddell@yahoo.com with any questions.


January school lunch menu
Love Out Loud for Landon - Thank You!

Thank you to our community for coming out yesterday to love out loud for Landon! It was an amazing morning filled with love and support for one of our own. Thanks to you, our Wickliffe community was able to raise just over $5,000 for Land on a Cure! The McChesney Family was so touched by all the donations and support. It was a great reminder of why we chose Wickliffe and how we are all part of the pack! Happy holidays and enjoy the break with your loved ones.

If you didn't see the news story, you can check it out here.

Also, a big thank you to Crimson Cup for donating all of the coffee!


Food For Thought

Catching up on my reading was something that I was looking forward to doing over winter break. I am currently reading the book, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson (which I highly recommend!) as I continue to grow in my understanding of racism. 

I also went back to the many open tabs on my computer of the articles that I skimmed, but never really read. So for today’s “Food for Thought,” I wanted to introduce the concept of familect, described in this National Geographic article as “the secret words and phrases shared exclusively among the members of a household.” 

For instance, in the Kassoy house when we thank one another we always say, “Yanks!” This word emerged in our familect because my middle granddaughter always substituted a “y” for “th” and with that “yanks” was born.  As Connie Chang describes in her article, “though it might just sound like a family being silly, building a familect can have emotional benefits for kids and adults.”

As I spent time with my nuclear family over the holidays, I was mindful of words and phrases that were passed down from my grandparents (some may actually have been a form of Yiddish?) and from my parents (many of which I can’t even figure out how to spell…like the one my mom used to describe what she was doing when she stirred a raw egg with a fork before using it for baking). And the list keeps growing as my children and grandchildren have added new words, as well. The researchers remind us that familect  “helps us forge connections to family members, creating a cohesive unit bound by a shared, secret language.” I hope you have fun thinking about all the words in your familect.

Be well and yanks for reading this week's post!

Felice (and the rest of the counseling team)

Thursday, January 6
12:00p Elementary Well-Being Webinar- Zones of Regulation
5:00p Board of Education Organizational Meeting
Wednesday, January 12
5:00p PTO Chipotle Restaurant Night
Monday, January 17
No School- Students and Staff- Martin Luther King Day
Thursday, January 27
Elementary Early Dismissal (Grades K-5)
Saturday, February 12
6:30p Wickliffe Informal Affair
Tuesday, February 15
6:30p Wickliffe Kindergarten Information Night
Wednesday, February 16
Early Dismissal (K-12)
Monday, February 21
No School- Students and Staff- Presidents' Day
Sponsors Highlight

Thank you to all of our 2021-2022 sponsors!

Wade Orthodontics
614-582-9082 Krystin.Macaluso@cbrealty.com

Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2021/2022 Sponsor!

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