Originally delivered on 5/18/2021 7:03 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to Watch for this Week (5.18.2021)

What to Watch for This Week:

Hi Wickliffe families,

We'd like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to the Beautification Committee for the amazing flower sale, and to everyone who bought flowers and volunteered to make the pick up go smoothly. Please note, we have one unclaimed pink wagon that had been kindly donated for use during the flower sale pickup - please let us know if it's yours, otherwise we will happily keep it for future beautification events.

THANK YOU too, to everyone who made book sale purchases, we hope your children enjoyed picking out books - if you are still waiting on books that were out of stock, these will be delivered as soon as we get them!

CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Oberlin, for winning the UACA Golden Apple Award! All our teachers have worked so hard to keep our children engaged and learning this year, and this award is very well deserved - congrats again, Mrs. Oberlin!

And, we'd like to CELEBRATE with our 5th grade graduates as they are closing out their last two weeks as Wickliffe Wolves. This week, the 5th graders are inviting the entire school to participate in spirit week please encourage your kids to join in by dressing in the theme of the day! And, have your kids bring in some cash on Thursday, to purchase items from the 5th Grade Marketplace.

As you scroll below, don't miss Counselor's Corner for the latest counseling updates. Mark your calendar for Monday May 24th at 6:45pm for the Family Coffee zoom with Ms. Evans and Dr. Kassoy. And, Dr. Kassoy's Online Academy kids meet up is tomorrow (5/19 at 4:15pm), all the details are below. In this week's food for thought, Dr. Kassoy shares ideas for turning our kids into "wildlife detectives" as we countdown to summer!

And, please check the calendar for our last restaurant fundraiser at Rita's Italian Ice next Wednesday (5/26) - treat your kids (and yourself) to celebrate the end of the school year!

Have a great week,

Kelley Swiney and the whole PTO

News and links to our website:
Restaurant Fundraiser - Rita's Italian Ice

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Our May restaurant fundraiser will be on Wednesday May 26th at Rita's Italian Ice on Henderson. Treat your kids (and yourself) to celebrate the end of the school year! Visit anytime from 3:00pm – 10:00pm, show them this flyer or mention Wickliffe, and Wickliffe PTO will receive 20% back!

Spring Book Fair
THANK YOU to everyone who supported our Book Fair! If you made a purchase for a book that was not in stock, the deliveries will be made to you as soon as we get them.

PTO - Open Positions for 2021/22
The PTO has updated the by-laws and the policy and procedures for governing the Wickliffe PTO. These documents can be accessed on the Wickliffe PTO website, by clicking here

Also, the PTO is looking for volunteers for the 21/22 school year. It doesn't have to be a big time commitment, any amount of time that you can give helps! Please reach out to Dawn Hofherr (dawn.kuritz@gmail.com),  Kelley Swiney (kelley.swiney@att.net) or the Wickliffe PTO email address (wickliffepto@gmail.com) for more information. 
School Lunches

There is currently no charge for elementary students to buy school lunch through the end of the school year due to a USDA National Waiver.

  • IN-SCHOOL: Students let their teacher know their lunch choice on the day (no ordering ahead). To view the full lunch menu, with meal descriptions and nutrition information click here. Below is this week's lunch menu:

  • ONLINE ACADEMY: the meal pickup services will continue. Updated information and details will come from Ms. Evans, and on the UA Nutritional Services webpage here

If you have any questions, please contact our Nutritional Services department at (614) 487-5244, or by emailing ihunt@uaschools.org.

Counselors' Corner
Counseling Team Updates

Just a reminder that Angela and I would like to invite you to our last Zoom Family Coffee on Monday, May 24th at 6:45 – 7:30pm (https://zoom.us/my/wickliffeprincipal). As we emerge from this pandemic, we value each of you as co-educators more than ever. We would like to devote this coffee as a time to reflect on this past year and share our hopes for the upcoming year. 

Please note that our last Online Academy MeetUp is this Wednesday, May 19th, from 4:15 to 5:30. There was a previous INCORRECT date given for this gathering. My apologies. We will meet by the new benches at the front door of Wickliffe and end the year by making Warm Fuzzies to celebrate our successes throughout this challenging year.

And lastly, I would love your feedback. This was my first year providing counseling updates and *Food for Thought* submissions for the PTO newsletter. Please let me know how this was helpful and ways that I can improve my communications with all of you.

Dr. Kassoy's Food For Thought

The countdown to summer continues!

As you are planning summer opportunities, I would encourage you to think of ways to move your children off of their devices and back outside. There is no doubt that the increased use of screens over the past year was a necessity. Learning online and staying connected with family and friends via Zoom were vital to maintaining their social, emotional, and cognitive growth. 

But now it is important to reclaim some of that screen time for other activities such as engaging with nature. In this National Geographic article you can discover a few ways to turn your children into *wildlife detectives.*



Have fun exploring in a park or just in your backyard.

Until next week,


Tuesday, May 18
Spirit Week: Character Day
Wednesday, May 19
Spirit Week: Wacky Wednesday
4:15p Online Academy Wickliffe Kids MeetUp
Thursday, May 20
Spirit Week: Sports Day
5th Grade Marketplace - bring cash!!
Friday, May 21
Spirit Week: Pajama Day
Monday, May 24
6:45p Parent Coffee - End of Year Reflection and Look Ahead
Tuesday, May 25
8:00p Monthly PTO Meeting
Wednesday, May 26
Restaurant Fundraiser - Rita's Italian Ice
9:30a All School Town Meeting - Webinar (Golden Star Choir Video)
Thursday, May 27
2:00p Last Day of School - Early Dismissal 2pm (AM K ends 11:05am/PM K begins 12:05pm)
Monday, June 7
6:30p Monthly PTO Meeting
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