Originally delivered on 9/13/2022 8:01 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to watch for this week (9.13.2022)

What to watch for this week:

First fundraiser

I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who purchased flowers through our fall flower sale fundraiser. We exceeded our goal and raised $5120.75. A massive thank you to the Flower Sale Committee: Melanie Kerr, Andrea Bartosch, and Jillian Froment. Pick up date for the flowers is Friday, September 30, from 4:30-7 p.m. at the school.

Don't forget to mark your calendar for these upcoming events:

  • Town Hall - Friday, September 16, 8:30-9 a.m. - Wickliffe Gym
  • UA Marching Band Pep Rally - Friday, September 16, 4-5 p.m. - outside at Wickliffe
  • Restaurant Night Dewey's Pizza - Tuesday, September 20, 4-9 p.m. 
  • Fall Festival - Friday, September 23, 6-8 p.m. - outside at Wickliffe
  • School Levy Information Session - Monday, September 26, 6-7 p.m., Wickliffe Town Hall
  • Flower Sale Pick Up - Friday, September 30, 4:30-7 p.m. - Wickliffe
  • PTO General Meeting - Monday, October 3, 7-8:30 p.m. - Wickliffe Town Hall

Lindsay James

News and links to our website:
After School Discovery enrichment program

Registration for Wickliffe PTO's After School Discovery enrichment program is OPEN and goes through Monday, September 19 at 11:59 p.m. Classes begin October 3 and are one day per week for six weeks and, unless otherwise noted, run from 3-4 p.m. Look for a flyer that came home in your child's backpack last week, or visit the PTO's After School Discovery website at www.wickliffepto.org/asd for the schedule, fees, how to register, etc. Some classes do fill up quickly, so act fast!

We have a limited number of scholarships available to help close the gap between a family's ability to pay and the course fee. Applications can be submitted to the ASD Committee via this linkSubmissions will be treated with discretion and only shared as needed for the purpose of approving and awarding scholarship funds.

Also, we need volunteers to help guide safe dismissal of the students. It is a very short 30-minute volunteer slot, from 3:45-4:15 p.m. Whether you can volunteer only one afternoon or a regular series of afternoons, we welcome your help! If you are already going to be picking your child up from a course, it would not require that much additional time, and would really help us out! Please sign up here.

Save the date for our first Restaurant Night!

Save the date for our first Restaurant Night, September 20, 4-9 p.m.!

Dewey’s Pizza
1327 W 5th Ave
Grandview, OH
Carryout or dine in
Download Flyer »

  • The offer is valid with dine-in and carryout.
  • Online Ordering is available at deweyspizza.com (mention "GBN" at step 3/3 of checkout under Order Notes)
  • Not valid with DoorDash delivery.

Fall Fest is right around the corner!

Wickliffe’s Fall Festival is Friday, September 23, 6-8 p.m. We could still use a few volunteers, especially at our ever popular bounce houses! Please check out the volunteer Sign Up Genius if you can spare an hour of time that evening! We look forward to seeing everyone on the 23rd!

Looking to volunteer?  


School levy information session

Monday, September 26, at 6 p.m. in Wickliffe's Town Hall there will be an important and informative information session regarding the November 8 ballot issue for Upper Arlington schools. Superintendent Paul Imhoff and Treasurer/CFO Andrew Geistfeld will be presenting a brief overview of what is at stake for this election and will answer any questions you may have about the ballot issue.

PTO General Meeting

Our first general meeting of the year will be on Monday, October 3, at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall. We hope you can attend to hear executive, financial, and committee updates as well as a principal update from Angela and a technology presentation from Katie Coplin. The general meetings are open to everyone and we really hope you can attend.

Volunteer at lunch

Our fabulous Chef Mike could use two volunteers every day for lunch. It is a super fun way to contribute and see all the students at lunch time. Sign up here:


Counselor’s Corner 9.10.22

Classroom Guidance

I will be in classrooms again in September. K/1 classrooms will be receiving two lessons: a lesson on feelings and a social skills lesson that we are still creating based on each classroom’s needs. 2/3 classrooms will be receiving a lesson on “size of the problem.” This lesson aims to teach children how to problem solve and respond appropriately to issues that arise. 4/5  classrooms will be receiving a lesson on feelings vocabulary and coping skills. Whenever I am in your child’s classroom, I will be sending them home with a “parent letter,” describing in more detail what we did and how you can reinforce this new learning at home!


Upcoming Fall Counseling Groups


Breathe For Change Movement, B4CM:

Target start date 9/23:

You are invited to help change the world, beginning with ourselves!  

All K-5th grade students are welcome to join the 2022-2023 Breathe For Change Movement or B4CM for short.  Breathe For Change Movement is a *new* student-run club whose aim is to explore social-emotional learning and embody wellness practices to focus one's mind, connect with one's body, express creativity, form meaningful connections, and experience a deep sense of calm and relaxation.  Breathe For Change is not just a club but an initiative or Movement using movement and breath to make changes in ourselves and ripple out positive changes for our families, community, and the world. 

Here is the form to sign up: https://forms.gle/ELVFEGSN38gKym5K9


Grief Group:

Target start date: TBD, ~ end of September/early October

This group is run by me and OhioHealth Bereavement Services. This is a team of social workers who specialize in grief counseling and offer their support and services to schools. This group is for children who have experienced the loss of a loved one. If your student was a part of this group in the spring of 2022, they are welcome to sign up again. 


Here is the permission slip: 



Please email permission slips to me at rshaffer@uaschools.org or print and deliver to homeroom teachers. Once we get an idea of interest, we can begin to plan dates and times. 


TOAD Talks:

Target start date: TBD, ~ end of September/early October

TOAD: Talking to Others About Diversity. This group is an opportunity for students to learn about diverse cultures through books, crafts, and other engaging activities. This group is run by a team of high school students from Upper Arlington. So awesome! Due to scheduling conflicts, this group will be meeting after school once a month as opposed to the lunch hour last year. 


Look for details and sign-up information soon.. 

Friday, September 16
UAHS Marching Band @ Wickliffe
UAHS marching band at Wickliffe
8:30a Wickliffe Town Meeting
Tuesday, September 20
4:00p Dewey's Pizza Restaurant Night, 4-9 p.m.
Wednesday, September 21
Early dismissal (K-12)
Friday, September 23
Fall Festival
6:00p Wickliffe PTO Fall Festival
Thursday, September 29
Wickliffe School Picture Day
Friday, September 30
8:30a Wickliffe Town Meeting
Monday, October 3
7:00p General PTO Meeting
7:00p PTO general meeting
Friday, October 14
8:30a Wickliffe Town Meeting
Thursday, October 27
Elementary early dismissal (K-5)
Monday, October 31
8:30a Wickliffe Town Meeting
Monday, November 7
End of first trimester (kindergarten-grade 5)
Tuesday, November 8
Election Day- No School Students- Staff report per schedule
Tuesday, November 15
8:30a Wickliffe Town Meeting
Wednesday, November 23
No school- Thanksgiving vacation - Nov 23-25
Thursday, November 24
No school- Thanksgiving vacation - Nov 23-25
Friday, November 25
No school- Thanksgiving vacation - Nov 23-25
Friday, December 2
8:30a Wickliffe Town Meeting
Become a 2022/2023 sponsor!

Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! 

Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2022/2023 Sponsor!

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