Originally delivered on 3/22/2022 1:01 pm

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to watch for this week (3.22.2022)

What to watch for this week:

Welcome back! Hope everyone in our Wickliffe community had a pleasant spring break. 

Framed artwork from the Informal Art Show will be ready for pick up this week - and we need some volunteers! Want to help distribute the pieces to the rightful owners? Sign up here! 


And there are plenty more volunteer opportunities - read on! 

News and links to our website:
Goodbye Marvin!

Thank you to all the Wickliffe families and friends who helped us say goodbye to Marvin with cards, hugs, gifts, and donations. He will be very missed! 

Spring After School Discovery at Wickliffe is here!


The schedule for the Wickliffe PTO’s After School Discovery (ASD) program is now available for spring! Registration begins on March 23 at 7 p.m. and will run through March 29. This program lets K-5 students at Wickliffe explore diverse interests through fun extracurricular courses such as sports, creative arts, engineering, languages, and more. Visit here for a list of all courses and their descriptions. Or, look for a flyer coming home with your child this week. Classes begin on April 4 and will run for six sessions. They will be held at Wickliffe immediately after school from 3-4 p.m.

Visit http://www.wickliffepto.org/open_forms to register. You will be prompted to login, and then After School Discovery will be listed under the heading "Store & Date (Information) Forms." Some classes fill up quickly, so act fast!

We are also seeking volunteers to help with student dismissal, to make sure students get where they need to go after the ASD session ends. They are short, 30-minute volunteer slots, so please consider helping! Even just signing up for a single session would help out. Sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0549a9a72ca2fc1-spring1.

A limited number of scholarships are available to help close the gap between a family's ability to pay and the course fee. Applications for consideration can be submitted to the ASD Committee through the 
Scholarship Request FormSubmissions will be treated with discretion and only shared as needed for the purpose of approving and awarding scholarship funds.

Please contact wickliffeptoasd@gmail.com if you have any questions.


Informal Art Show Framed Art pick up this week!



Informal Art Show framed art pick-up is this week!

Don't forget! Framed art pick-up is this Thursday, March 24, from 3-6 p.m., and Saturday, March 26, from 9-11 a.m., in Wickliffe's back parking lot.

 Want to help us connect the artwork with the buyer? Sign up here! 







DONUT forget to mark your calendars!

Krispy Kreme PTO fundraiser

  • Order by Tuesday, April 5
  • Pick up in the Wickliffe parking lot on Saturday, April 9, between 8-9 a.m.
  • More details coming soon!

Order Your Donuts Online » 

End-of-fifth grade events

Our fifth graders are getting ready to leave Wickliffe and move onto middle school! We could use your help in planning end-of-the-year activities to celebrate the incredible people they have become. Committee opportunities include: 

  • Fifth grade party
  • Fifth grade town hall
  • Fifth grade clap out
  • Fifth grade only outdoor lunches

Please contact Lauren Evans at lkgevans@gmail.com if interested in being a part of the planning committee. Additional volunteer sign-ups to come.

March school lunch menu
Volunteer opportunities

Play UA financial assistance program

The City of Upper Arlington Parks & Rec Department has a new financial assistance program called PLAY UA. This webpage has more information regarding specific departments (aquatics, recreation & activities, senior center and tennis): https://upperarlingtonoh.gov/parks-recreation/play-ua-financial-assistance-program/. Residents can apply now and be eligible for discounts on Parks & Rec programming.

Wolf Den

The Wickliffe PTO is always looking for ways to support the families in our school community.

In the past, the Wolf Den was created for families who found themselves needing a little extra support for basic necessities (food, clothing, etc). We have gift cards available and want to honor the privacy of any family seeking this support. Ms. Evans will be the point of contact to receive a gift card and she will distribute them as well. To utilize the Wolf Den support please email her at alevans@uaschools.org

Sponsorships support Wickliffe

Huge thanks to our sponsors! Your support enables us to find ways to provide educational and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff!  

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or learning more, please contact Elizabeth O'Leary. You can also complete our 2021/2022 Community Sponsorship Opportunities form. Your donation is tax deductible. Wickliffe PTO is a not-for-profit organization. 

Level 1 sponsors

Level 2 sponsors

Level 3 sponsors 

Level 4 sponsors

Full Event sponsors

Counseling Team Update 3.22.2022

New spring groups are beginning

Read below for descriptions of each spring counseling group. Please reach out to Dr. Kassoy (fkassoy@uaschools.org) if you'd like your child to participate or if you have any questions. We are excited to continue to provide support to meet the needs of all of our Wickliffe students.

Stepping Stones

The death of a loved one is a major loss in a child’s life. Although grief is a normal reaction to loss, children grieve differently than adults and may struggle with unfamiliar feelings and reactions.

Lauri Yersavich, a licensed grief counselor from OhioHealth who has been collaborating with Dr. Kassoy for many years, will facilitate this lunch group. Due to COVID, this program has not been offered the past two years. We are delighted to be able to offer this important lunch group again.

Through discussions, stories, and hands-on activities, the children will understand typical responses to grief and loss, learn healthy ways to express, navigate, and cope with their feelings and reactions, and have opportunities to share memories and honor the lives of their loved ones.

Dates: TBA

Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of BIPOC Students

Embracing and celebrating one’s identity is an important part of a child’s social and emotional development.

Dr. Lauren Brown, Wickliffe’s school psychologist, and Julia Hargrove, a counseling intern from OSU working with Dr. Kassoy, will provide a welcoming and supportive space for BIPOC students. This Black women led lunch group will allow the children to explore cultural identity, healthy and inclusive communities, and develop skills to support their BIPOC experiences.

Dates: TBA


Moving On Up: Transitioning to middle school

It truly has been another whirlwind year for all of us! As we wrap up this school year and begin to prepare for the next, we want to make sure our 5th grade students have the tools they need to feel successful and confident entering into the middle school environment next year. Sarah Perry, our Syntero clinician, will be providing “Moving On Up: Skills to Survive Middle School” - transition to middle school group. Students will learn skills to decrease fears while increasing self-advocacy and autonomy. They will also learn ways to cope with transitioning to middle school. And because the past couple of years have been so unique due to Covid, there will also be opportunities to process any grief related to opportunities they may have had to miss in the 4th and 5th grade.

Dates: Mondays, 4/11 to 5/16 for a total of 6 weeks       

Time: Before school, 7:45-8:15 a.m.(to accommodate for size of group)


The Calm Down Crew

Emotions can run high sometimes and we all have moments of frustration and anger. In this group, students will learn strategies for how to take charge of their big emotions rather than letting their big emotions control them. We will also be normalizing anger and helping students understand how they can figure out what their anger is trying to communicate to them and how to express this in healthy ways.

Dates: Group will be held during lunch time on Mondays, from 4/11 to 5/16, for a total of 6 weeks


ONGOING GROUPS (new children are ALWAYS welcome to join!)

  • IDEA Mentors

  • TOAD Talks

  • Mindful Mornings


Food for Thought will return next week!

We hope you had a restorative spring break.

Felice (and the rest of the counseling team)

Monday, March 28
3:00p Board of Education Special Meeting - Financial Work Session
Tuesday, April 12
6:00p Board of Education Regular Meeting
Friday, April 15
No School- Students and Staff
Tuesday, May 3
General Election Day- No school students and staff
Monday, May 9
Wickliffe PTO Scholastic Book Fair
Tuesday, May 10
Wickliffe PTO Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday, May 11
Wickliffe PTO Scholastic Book Fair
Thursday, May 12
Wickliffe PTO Scholastic Book Fair
Friday, May 13
Wickliffe PTO Scholastic Book Fair
PTO Wickapalooza and Golden Star Choir Performance
Tuesday, May 24
6:00p Board of Education Regular Meeting
Monday, May 30
No School- Students and Staff- Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 31
Wickliffe Field Day
Wednesday, June 1
Early dismissal (K-12) - Last day students
Thursday, June 2
Teacher work day- staff report per schedule
Tuesday, June 14
6:00p Board of Education Regular Meeting
Sponsors Highlight

Thank you to all of our 2021-2022 sponsors!

Wade Orthodontics
614-582-9082 Krystin.Macaluso@cbrealty.com

Support from our sponsors enables us to find ways to provide education and enrichment opportunities for our students, while supporting our teachers and staff! Check out our sponsorships page to learn more about becoming a 2021/2022 Sponsor!

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