Fall 2024 After School Discovery
8/11/2024 3:14 pm
We are starting to plan for this year's PTO After School Discovery program. This program lets K-5 students explore diverse interests through fun extracurricular courses like STEM, fashion, Lego sculptures, magic, chess, music, drama, basketball, and more! After School Discovery has been a huge success in the past because of the amazing support from our Wickliffe community, including school staff, families, and local businesses.
Do you have a special skill or interest that you want to share with Wickliffe students? We are accepting instructor applications for courses for the 2024-2025 school year. After School Discovery classes will begin Monday, September 23, are usually offered once per week, and run for six classes (with no class on days where there is no school) plus a make-up class if needed. All course instructors will be compensated through course fees. The instructor sets the price, class size, grades, and curriculum, and we coordinate the rest. If you or someone you know has a skill or passion to share with K-5 students through After School Discovery, please apply here, or contact the ASD planning committee at wickliffeptoasd@gmail.com. Applications are due August 23. Thank you!
Shanna Jaggars, Marisa Martin, Mayling McKinley, and Robin Ralston
Committee Members
After School Discovery
Wickliffe Progressive Elementary PTO