Wickliffe Family Directory

8/6/2024 1:10 pm

If your children are like ours, once they discover who their teacher is, they can't wait to know who else will be in their class!


To safeguard students' privacy, the school does not share class lists - however, families can add a student's teacher assignment to the Wickliffe family directory. Once others update the teacher assignment for their children, you will be able to connect with the families in your child's class. Please take a moment to add your child's teacher assignment to your family's directory profile by clicking here (or use the PTO website menu option My Account / My Forms / Step 1: Family Information > Next Step to Step 2: Student Information).


The online directory can only be viewed by current Wickliffe families. The Wickliffe Family Directory is a secure, password-protected online directory that allows Wickliffe families to easily update their own contact information and find the contacts of the parents of their student's classmates and friends. Find out more in the Directory FAQs.

