Originally delivered on 12/15/2020 7:02 am

SUBJECT: Wickliffe PTO Weekly - What to Watch for this Week (12.15.2020)

What to Watch for This Week:

Hello Wickliffe families,

A huge THANK YOU to all the families who supported our recent school fundraisers: by ordering pizza at Dewey's, and buying books from our virtual Scholastic book fair; and to everyone who signed up to shop for a child in need in the Heart to Heart gift drive. It's wonderful to know our children are part of such a generous school community.

To drop off your Heart-to-Heart gift, Mrs. Oberlin's fifth graders will have carts just inside the school entrance, from Monday to Thursday (Dec 14-17) between 8am and 4pm. See below for all the details - and for other ways to help.

Please scroll to Counselor's Corner to read Dr. Kassoy's message of support before the holidays, and for her timely food for thought on boredom. Dr. Kassoy shares an excellent guide on what boredom really is, how it's actually good for our kids' brains to experience boredom, as well as giving ideas to combat boredom.

And, check the calendar for important upcoming events, including:

  • Golden Star choir information zoom on Thursday 12/17 at 12:05 (for 4th and 5th grade students only)
  • and, the all school sing along webinar next Tuesday, what a great way to end our last day of school in 2020!

Enjoy your week,

Kelley Swiney and the whole PTO.

News and links to our website:
Heart to Heart Gift Drive
Many thanks to everyone who signed up to shop for a child in need this holiday season.  All slots are filled!  To check your sign up, you can click here. Holiday Gift Sign Up
  • Gifts must be delivered to Wickliffe Monday December 14th- Thursday December 17thbetween the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. There will be carts to place your donation on just inside the first set of doors. There will also be a box for homemade cards, so if your child would like to create a holiday card or gift tag, those can be dropped off as well.
  • Your items should be UNWRAPPED and labelled with the Family # and Child #, preferably in a shopping bag or garbage bag so we can avoid getting our donations mixed up.
For those who did not sign up, but still want to help, I learned today that Heart to Heart is also in desperate need of all non-perishable food items, toilet paper, and diapers sizes 4 and up. You can drop off 24-hours a day in the first tent at 1320 Cambridge Blvd. OR bring your items to Wickliffe and Mrs. Oberlin will transport them to the food pantry.
If you have any questions please email Mrs. Oberlin at soberlin@uaschools.org.
Remote Meal Program

Any student enrolled in Upper Arlington Schools, including UA Online Academy, may order meals by clicking here. When selecting your lunch pickup location, please scroll to the bottom of the list and select the building you would like to pick up from under the "District Wide Pick Up Locations." Please complete your order by midnight the day before pickup.

What is the cost for meals? Thanks to a USDA waiver, all students enrolled in Upper Arlington Schools (preK-12) will be able to receive free lunch through the month of December, or until federal funding is no longer available. 

Where and when is pickup? For Wickliffe Progressive, pick up your student's meal at the school's main entrance 2405 Wickliffe Road, from 11:45am - 12:30pm Mondays thru Fridays.

Visit the UA School District website for more information:  https://www.uaschools.org/NutritionalServices.aspx

"Elf-ed" Signs from Yard Party

Surprise your family and friends! Yard Party Signs will donate 20% of 'Elf-ed' yard sign orders to Wickliffe PTO! For $35, the elf display will be in place before they rise. You can order here: https://yardpartysigns.com/columbus/. Please remember to add "WICKLIFFE" in the Special Requests field when you order. Spots are limited, guarantee yours by ordering today!

Reminder: Loyalty and Rewards

These organizations donate money to our school as you shop! Please consider using these reward programs to benefit Wickliffe PTO as you are doing your last minute holiday shopping this year. Thank you for supporting our school.

Shutterfly Storefront


Counselors' Corner
Counseling Team Updates

As COVID continues to touch our lives, I know that many families have been impacted by a loss of employment, illness, and other hardships. Wickliffe has always been a supportive community. If you are in need of a little help for the holidays or you know of someone in our Wickliffe family who could use a little help, please reach out to me. I will ensure that confidentiality will be maintained.

It is hard to believe that 2021 is just a few weeks away. When we return to learning in January, the counseling team will be offering three new lunch groups. If you are interested in having your child participate in any of these groups, please email Dr. Kassoy (fkassoy@uaschools.org).

  • OUR NEWEST GROUP  is called, “Calm, Cool & Connected.” It will be facilitated by Sarah Perry, our Syntero mental health clinician, and her intern, Autumn Davis.

We all know that staying connected in a safe way has been a challenge this school year. Some students have expressed that they are missing playing and spending time with friends that they used to see outside of their classrooms. At the same time, many students have also talked about struggling with the challenges of spending a lot more time with the same peers in their cohorts and, let’s be honest, their siblings at home! 

This 8-week group will focus on building emotional regulation and coping strategies for big emotions as well as helping provide some helpful tips and social strategies for staying connected to peers and friends they aren’t able to visit with at this time. It will also address how to manage our feelings and social behaviors with peers, family and friends with whom we may be spending more time than usual. 

We will discuss topics such as but not limited to, perspective taking, patience, self-advocacy, boundaries and gratitude.


  • IDEA Mentors (Identity, Diversity, Equity, and Action) - This group will shift to a Zoom format during Enhanced Distance Learning. When we return to hybrid, we will resume in-person meetings. 

  • Gender Diverse Kids, Families, and Allies- This group, formerly known as Gender Creative Kids, will focus on fostering ally behavior, celebrating diverse families, supporting gender diverse kids, and continuing to create an inclusive and welcoming culture at Wickliffe that embraces and honors diversity.

Dr. Kassoy's Food For Thought

There is always an air of excitement when winter break is upon us. This year will be no different. But with this excitement comes more time at home (when we have already been home for the last four weeks!) And for some, this means experiencing boredom.

“Did you know that  it’s actually good for our kids’ brains to experience boredom? Find out what boredom really is and what’s happening in our brains when we feel this way, tips to combat boredom, age-appropriate ideas for unstructured play and what to do about boredom when you’re stuck inside this winter.” Here is your guide to boredom  as we head into winter break.

We are hoping that everyone finds a little joy in each day and oodles of creativity in the moments of boredom.

Wishing you good health,

The Counseling Team (Felice and Rebecca)

Thursday, December 17
12:05p Golden Star Choir Information Zoom (4th and 5th graders)
Tuesday, December 22
3:00p All School Winter Sing Along webinar
Wednesday, December 23
NO SCHOOL - Winter Break begins
Monday, January 4
6:30p Monthly PTO Meeting
Tuesday, January 5
Students Back to School
Wednesday, January 6
OA - last day to submit photo of your child for year book
6:30p District-wide family webinar
Wednesday, January 13
4:00p Restaurant Fundraiser - Chipotle 4pm-8pm